Space renting

Mutinerie has available spaces or can be hired as whole for your meetings, training sessions, conferences, product launchings, round tables… Several rooms are available and usable according to your needs.

The Meeting Room

Capacity :  10 people
Availabiliy : Monday to Friday, 9am to 9pm
Price : half-day 150€ (+VAT) – day 250€ (+VAT) – evening (6-9pm) 150€ (+VAT)

Contact Sanjar : [email protected] / +33 (0)7 82 28 12 60

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The Classroom

– Capacity : 18 people
– Availabiliy : Monday to Friday, 9am to 9pm
– Price : half-day 300€ (+VAT) – day 450€ (+VAT) – evening (6-9pm) 300€ (+VAT)

Contact Sanjar : [email protected] / +33 (0)7 82 28 12 60

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The Agora

The agora is nestled in a unique and hushed atmosphere: a mini-auditorium, ideal for training, brainstorming or small presentations.
– Capacity : 16 people
– Availabiliy : Monday to Friday, 9am to 9pm
– Price : half-day 250€ (+VAT) – day 400€ (+VAT) – evening (6-9pm) 300€ (+VAT)

Contact Sanjar : [email protected] / +33 (0)7 82 28 12 60

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The Whole Space

The glass roof space is fitted with a public address system and equipped with an overhead projector. We can also offer additional services such as catering, video recording, live audio streaming of the conference, photo coverage of the event…

Mutinerie’s spaces are regularly used to host conferences, round tables, meet-ups, start-up weekends, training… The high glass roof, the adjustable space, the decoration, the stage and the atmosphere so specific to Mutinerie have attracted on our premises some prestigious guests, including Michèle Delaunay, minister for health, Richard Stallman, Lisa Gansky, Robin Chase, Daniel Kaplan, researchers at the INRIA (French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control) as well as numerous other fascinating orators.

– Capacity : 50-100 people
– Availabiliy : Weekdays : 7-10pm /Weekend : 9am-10pm
– Price : Contact us !

Contact Antoine : [email protected] / +33(0)6 58 16 18 89

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L’art ne vient pas se coucher dans les lits qu’on a faits pour lui ; il se sauve aussitôt qu’on prononce son nom. Ce qu’il aime, c’est l’incognito, ses meilleurs moments sont quand il oublie comment il s’appelle. — Jean Dubuffet