After vibrant experiences in different areas, especially in the web, marketing and consulting; i have decided to join an exciting entrepreneurial project, which now has become my passion.
I love to experiment and discover new things and to get involved in new ventures, like the one i am living right now with Copass and the rest of team - Augustin, Eric and Stefano! Still a long way to go, but always with the same pleasure!
Why coworking?
I am coworking because I think it is an incredible way to learn from and with others. Staying alone is something I hate - we become in general crazy, we loose time looking for information our neighbors may have in a single click...Moreover, it is very relaxing and reinsuring to be surrounded by people sharing the same vision, energy and wish to stay free but together.
In a way, it is the best way for me to stay independent, but with the enriching feeling of belonging to a community!