IT (Information & Technology) Solution Architect. I help companies to choose their professional softwares based on their business needs and the existing IT solution landscape.
I was the CEO of the Oxalic consulting company and the general manager of the SAP technical ressources busines unit at ALTI. I'm now the associate founder of the ARKAMA company and have my own office at Mutinerie.
Why coworking?
Major reason is the ability to see people with completly differents skills. This can give another maner to construct my offers and approach of my own business.
Another one, that is also amazing, is the ability to find ressources directly inside the co working place to help me in my business.
And last, but not least, the co working represents a completly different approach in term of maner of working environment, very cool, nice people, women (that we don't see a lot in my business).