If coworking spaces are the potential source of new communities, how should they align and organize themselves to be more efficient? Here are some questions from the people from Mutinerie because – we can never stress this enough – success of a coworking space depends on its capacity to breed, gather and grow a community….
Lire l'article►Are we living in a digital theocracy ?
Infinite are the specific differences of men’s customs and laws, but they can be summarized as follows: one entrusts monarchies, others oligarchies, and some to people in political power. Our legislature stopped looking towards any of these governments. If we can say so with such violent language, the theocratic government is established by placing in…
Lire l'article►The coworking pyramid of needs
Do you remember the good old pyramid of human needs by Maslow? According to Maslow, the needs at the base of the pyramid must be satisfied before being able to satisfy higher ones. It turns out this can be effectively applied to coworking. Each coworking space has to focus on providing some basic services before…
Lire l'article►Toward a digital exodus
Many cities of the world are facing an unexpected phenomenon: urban exodus. No longer constrained by a localized workspace, an increasing number of freelancers are enjoying mobility, and ultimately leaving stressful and polluted cities. After the rural exodus, following the industrial revolution, are we now facing a digital urban exodus. Perhaps this movement is now…
Lire l'article►A typology of needs for coworking spaces
Every coworking advocate and enthusiast has, at some point, been confronted by the reoccurring debate that has never been solved: what exactly is a coworking space? One of the difficulties of defining coworking stems from the fact that spaces respond to a diverse range of needs and requirements in very different ways. The Maslow Pyramid…
Lire l'article►Quantum Coworking
When trying to define a new word in an exhaustive manner, you always risk stopping its evolution, reducing an emerging concept to a frozen reality, and sometimes nipping it in the bud before it blooms. During the ‘Coworking Europe 2011‘ conference in Berlin, some of us argued that we couldn’t just observe our differences without trying…
Lire l'article►The sharing economy VS. the dominant model
We sometimes need to go back to the basics, especially during a time of structural crisis like the one we are experiencing now, which has called the principles or our economy into question. We cannot not understand what the “sharing economy” means if we do not ask ourselves what “economy” means. I would stand by…
Lire l'article►Passages from a space in time
PASSAGES FROM A SPACE IN TIME par Laura Moeller Henriksen During 6 months, Laura Moeller Henriksen, a talented danish student went on board Mutinerie’s vessel. This film communicates her perception of the space and of the changes happening behind the coworking movement.
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