I'm a membrer of the Mutineer's Crew, cofounder of our coworking space. Within the space, I'm more specifically working on our blog, writing articles, communicating with our community ... I am also responsible for the equipments and ornementations of Mutinerie.
Before I turned into a mutineer, I was studying Mangement and financial analysis at Reims Management School for four years.
Why coworking?
I've always felt very independent, I've always had lots of ideas and the will to realize them. But paradoxically, I'am very sensible to my environment and first of all, to the people around me. I'am not the kind of guy able to stick to my only goal alone in an environment full of adversity like a lonesome hero in the desert...
So I realize that, to give myself the possibility of doing what I wanted to do, I must first create my ideal working environment. It appears that it was also the will of my brothers and one of my childhood friend. We allied and our work gave birth to Mutinerie...